Informação da revista
Original articles
Acquired anomalies of the coronary arteries after arterial switch operation. Usefulness of coronary computed tomography angiography and impact on follow-up
Susana M. Abreu, Marta António, Hugo Marques, José D.F. Martins, Fátima F. Pinto
Rev Port Cardiol. 2021;40:707-12
Open access
Original Articles
Editorial comment
Arterial switch operation for transposition of great arteries: Is coronary artery circulation evaluation necessary?
António Marinho-da-Silva
Rev Port Cardiol. 2021;40:713-4
Open access
Applicability of Martin-Hopkins formula and comparison with Friedewald formula for estimated low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in e_COR study population
Cátia Ferrinho, Ana Catarina Alves, Mafalda Bourbon, Sequeira Duarte
Rev Port Cardiol. 2021;40:715-24
Open access
Original Articles
Editorial comment
In search of accurate estimates of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels – a better compass
António Miguel Ferreira
Rev Port Cardiol. 2021;40:725-6
Open access
Safety and efficacy of balloon pulmonary angioplasty in a Portuguese pulmonary hypertension expert center
Rita Calé, Filipa Ferreira, Ana Rita Pereira, Débora Repolho, Daniel Sebaiti, Sofia Alegria, Sílvia Vitorino, Pedro Santos, ... Maria José Loureiro
Rev Port Cardiol. 2021;40:727-37
Open access
Original Articles
Editorial comment
Safety and efficacy of balloon pulmonary angioplasty in a Portuguese pulmonary hypertension expert center: A step in the right direction
Graça Castro
Rev Port Cardiol. 2021;40:739-40
Open access
Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension: Initial experience of patients undergoing pulmonary thromboendarterectomy
Rui Plácido, Tatiana Guimarães, David Jenkins, Nuno Cortez-Dias, Sara Couto Pereira, Paula Campos, Ana Mineiro, Nuno Lousada, ... Fausto J. Pinto
Rev Port Cardiol. 2021;40:741-52
Open access
Original Articles
Editorial comment
Outcomes monitoring in pulmonary endarterectomy: Paving the road to success
Maria José Loureiro
Rev Port Cardiol. 2021;40:753-5
Open access
Echocardiographic evaluation in type 1 diabetes mellitus
Thaís Rossoni Weber, Roberto Léo da Silva, Sandra Cossul, Marco Stephan Lofrano Alves, Simone Van der Sander Lee, Jefferson Luiz Brum Marques
Rev Port Cardiol. 2021;40:757-65
Open access
Original Articles
Editorial comment
Diastolic dysfunction and type 1 diabetes: A sweet link?
José Ribeiro
Rev Port Cardiol. 2021;40:767-9
Open access
Adoption and patterns of use of invasive physiological assessment of coronary artery disease in a large cohort of 40821 real-world procedures over a 12-year period
Luís Raposo, Mariana Gonçalves, David Roque, Pedro Araújo Gonçalves, Pedro Magno, João Brito, Sílvio Leal, Sérgio Madeira, ... Sérgio Bravo Baptista
Rev Port Cardiol. 2021;40:771-81
Open access
Original Articles
Editorial comment
Coronary physiology in clinical practice in Portugal: A problem of technology or a question of attitude?
Rita Calé
Rev Port Cardiol. 2021;40:783-4
Open access
State of the art
Inflammation and ischemic heart disease: The next therapeutic target?
Eduardo M. Vilela, Ricardo Fontes-Carvalho
Rev Port Cardiol. 2021;40:785-96
Open access
Original articles
Original Articles
Editorial comment
Post-exercise hypotension in response to high-intensity interval exercise: Potential mechanisms
Raphael José Perrier-Melo, Antônio Henrique Germano-Soares, Aline Freitas Brito, Iago Vilela Dantas, Manoel da Cunha Costa
Rev Port Cardiol. 2021;40:797-9
Open access
Case report
Beware of regression of electrocardiographic abnormalities on detraining – It may not always mean ‘athlete's heart’
José Pedro Marques, António Freitas, João Abecasis
Rev Port Cardiol. 2021;40:801.e1-801.e6
Open access
Image in cardiology
Native mitral valve endocarditis complicated with abscess and fistulas: Diagnosis by three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography
Ana Gabaldón-Pérez, Rafael De la Espriella, Hector Merenciano-Gonzalez, Enrique Santas, Francisco J. Chorro
Rev Port Cardiol. 2021;40:803-4
Open access
The biggest right atria in the world
Edison Muñoz Ortiz, Jairo Alfonso Gándara Ricardo, Edwin Arévalo Guerrero
Rev Port Cardiol. 2021;40:805-6
Open access
Letters to the editor
Letter to the Editor regarding “Effectiveness of preoperative breathing exercise interventions in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: a systematic review”
Margarida Rodrigues, Inês Machado Vaz
Rev Port Cardiol. 2021;40:807-8
Open access
Response to the letter from Rodrigues M and Vaz IM regarding the article “Effectiveness of a preoperative breathing exercise intervention in patients undergoing cardiac surgery: a systematic review”
Soraia Nicola Rodrigues, Helga Rafael Henriques, Maria Adriana Henriques
Rev Port Cardiol. 2021;40:809-10
Open access
Beta-blockers in acute coronary syndrome patients: The concept of ‘gradient of benefit’
Fernando Montenegro Sá, João Morais
Rev Port Cardiol. 2021;40:811-2
Open access
Reply to letter “Beta-blockers in acute coronary syndrome patients: The concept of ‘gradient of benefit”’
Jesús Velásquez-Rodríguez, Manuel Martínez-Sellés
Rev Port Cardiol. 2021;40:813-4
Open access