Journal Information
Vol. 34. Issue 3.
Pages 179-191 (March 2015)
Vol. 34. Issue 3.
Pages 179-191 (March 2015)
Original Article
Open Access
Systematic review of cost-effectiveness analyses of novel oral anticoagulants for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation
Revisão sistemática das análises custo-efetividade dos novos anticoagulantes orais na prevenção do acidente vascular cerebral na fibrilhação auricular: estudo AFFORD
João Ferreiraa,
Corresponding author

Corresponding author.
, Ana Mircob
a Lisboa, Portugal
b Hospital de Santa Cruz, Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental, Lisboa, Portugal
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Table 1. Characteristics and results of cost-effectiveness studies of novel oral anticoagulants for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation.
Introduction and Objectives

Novel oral anticoagulants are emerging options for the prevention and treatment of thromboembolic diseases. They are increasingly used in clinical practice due to their simplicity of use and clinical benefits, but an important step is to evaluate their cost-effectiveness. The aim of the AFFORD study (A Review of Cost EFFectiveness of Novel ORal Anticoagulant Drugs) was to perform a systematic review of cost-effectiveness studies of novel oral anticoagulants for stroke prevention in non-valvular atrial fibrillation (AF).


A systematic review of the literature was conducted by searching the PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Cochrane and Web of Knowledge databases to identify all cost-effectiveness studies of novel oral anticoagulants for stroke prevention in AF.


The search identified 27 studies, 18 with dabigatran, three with apixaban, two with rivaroxaban and four with at least two of these drugs. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were 30 405±16 101 euros per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) for dabigatran 110 mg, 17 566±16 902 euros/QALY for dabigatran 150 mg, 8102±3252 euros/QALY for age-adjusted dabigatran, 11 897±3341 euros/QALY for apixaban and 17 960±12 005 euros/QALY for rivaroxaban.


The present systematic review demonstrates that novel oral anticoagulants are cost-effective for stroke prevention in AF.

Novel oral anticoagulants
Atrial fibrillation
Introdução e objetivos

Os novos anticoagulantes orais são opções emergentes para a prevenção e tratamento das doenças tromboembólicas. São cada vez mais usados na prática clínica pela facilidade do seu uso e pelos seus benefícios clínicos, mas a sua utilização mais generalizada carece de demonstração de custo-efetividade. O objetivo do estudo A Review of Cost EFFectiveness of Novel ORal Anticoagulant Drugs (AFFORD) consistiu na realização de uma revisão sistemática dos estudos de custo-efetividade dos novos anticoagulantes orais na prevenção do acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) na fibrilhação auricular não valvular (FA).


Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura nas bases de dados Pubmed, Embase, Scopus, Cochrane e Web of Knowledge para identificar todos os estudos de custo-efetividade dos novos anticoagulantes orais na prevenção do AVC na FA.


A pesquisa selecionou 27 estudos, 18 com dabigatrano, três com apixabano, dois com rivaroxabano e quatro com pelo menos dois destes fármacos. Os rácios custo-efetividade incremental por anos de vida ajustados para qualidade foram de 30.405 ± 16.101 euros para o dabigatrano 110 mg, 17.566 ± 16.902 euros para o dabigatrano 150 mg, 8.102 ± 3.252 euros para o dabigatrano ajustado à idade, 11.897 ± 3.341 euros para o apixabano e 17.960 ± 12.005 euros para o rivaroxabano.


A presente revisão sistemática demonstra que os novos anticoagulantes orais são custo-efetivos para a prevenção do AVC na FA.

Novos anticoagulantes orais
Fibrilhação auricular
List of abbreviations

atrial fibrillation


Canadian dollar


Swiss franc




UK pound


incremental cost-effectiveness ratio


international normalized ratio


oral anticoagulants


quality-adjusted life years


US dollar


vitamin K antagonists


willingness-to-pay threshold


South African rand

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Health expenditure is growing faster than wealth creation in most developed countries. In Portugal, per capita state health expenditure rose from 0.3 euros in 1972 to 989.4 euros in 2012, while total expenditure increased from 2.8 million euros (0.2% of gross domestic product) in 1972 to 10 430.5 million euros (6.3%) in 2012.1 State expenditure on drugs, which in 2010 accounted for 17% of total health spending, has risen in parallel with overall health expenditure.1

This investment has led to improvements in health indicators, notably increased life expectancy.2 However, there is growing awareness that the available resources for medical treatments, including drug therapy, are increasingly limited. Economic evaluations are designed to rationalize the use of these resources and to direct them where they are most needed.

In this context, cost-effectiveness analyses are a valuable tool to compare the cost of a health intervention with the expected health gains.3 Interventions include any action intended to improve health that uses financial and/or human resources.

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common arrhythmia in clinical practice,4 and results in a considerable burden in economic terms as well as in morbidity and mortality. Stroke prevention by anticoagulant therapy is the mainstay of AF treatment.5

AF is associated with a prothrombotic state caused by atrial blood stasis and structural heart disease, which predispose to thrombus formation, particularly in the left atrial appendage, and to cardiac embolism. As a result, AF patients have a fivefold greater risk of stroke and systemic embolism than those without AF.5

Anticoagulant therapy is the cornerstone of prevention and treatment of thromboembolic disease.6 Novel oral anticoagulants (OAC) represent a step forward, being easier to use and presenting a more favorable pharmacological profile than vitamin K antagonists (VKA). They also have more rapid onset of action and a more predictable anticoagulant response, eliminating the need for monitoring.6

Phase III clinical trials on four of the novel OAC for stroke prevention in patients with non-valvular AF revealed similar or lower rates of thromboembolism, major bleeding and adverse effects compared to warfarin or aspirin.7–12

Wider use of these new agents could significantly increase the number of adequately anticoagulated patients, since many AF patients do not currently receive any treatment, due to the inconvenience and drawbacks of VKA.4,5

However, without regular monitoring of coagulation levels, larger observational studies are needed to determine the long-term efficacy and safety of the novel OAC in patients with multiple comorbidities and under multiple medication.6 The lack of antidotes, reliable laboratory tests and evidence of safety in real-world clinical practice, together with their high cost, have been identified as important limitations to the wider use of these new agents.

A Review of Cost EFFectiveness of Novel ORal Anticoagulant Drugs (the AFFORD study) is a systematic review of cost-effectiveness studies of novel oral anticoagulants for stroke prevention in AF, and describes their key findings.

MethodsIdentification of studies

Studies that fulfilled the aims of the review were identified using a single search term, “[(adults AND humans) AND (“new oral anticoagulants” OR “new oral anticoagulation” OR “novel oral anticoagulants” OR “novel oral anticoagulation” OR “newer oral anticoagulants” OR “newest oral anticoagulants” OR “new generation oral anticoagulants” OR “oral direct thrombin inhibitor*” OR “new oral thrombin inhibitor*” OR “oral factor Xa inhibitor*” OR “orally active factor Xa inhibitor” OR “orally active thrombin inhibitor” OR rivaroxaban* OR dabigatran* OR apixaban* OR edoxaban*) AND (“cost-effectiveness analysis” OR “cost-effectiveness study” OR “cost-effective” OR “cost-effectiveness”) AND (“atrial fibrillation)]”, in five medical databases: PubMed, Embase, Scopus, Cochrane and Web of Knowledge.

This search identified 533 studies (Figure 1), the abstracts and articles of which were reviewed to select those performed in adult populations comparing new and conventional anticoagulants in terms of cost-effectiveness. Of these, 414 were excluded because they did not meet the required conditions and 52 because they were published as abstracts only.

Figure 1.

Selection of studies.


After elimination of duplicates a total of 23 studies were selected.

A further four studies were selected that did not appear in the results for the above search term; three were in the reference lists of the studies analyzed and one was found in previous searches of PubMed.

Data collection

Data related to the pharmacoeconomic model included (1) country; (2) primary comparisons (the new OAC under study, dosages, comparator and daily costs); (3) model structure and assumptions including similarity to ‘progenitor’ models and study perspective; and (4) results including incremental costs, quality-adjusted life years (QALY), incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICER), willingness-to-pay thresholds (WTPT) per life-year or QALY, and sensitivity analyses.

Evaluation of quality of studies

The quality of the studies was evaluated by the investigators on the basis of the inclusion of predefined data on the study models as specified in the criteria of the Quality of Health Economic Studies instrument.13

Statistical analysis

The descriptive nature of this review does not lend itself to formal statistical analysis. The characteristics and results of the pharmacoeconomic models selected were presented qualitatively, supported by figures for incremental costs, QALY, ICER, WTPT and percentages from sensitivity analyses.

Means and standard deviations of ICER in euros per QALY were calculated for each drug after currency conversion when necessary, using the exchange rates on May 16, 2014: 1 US dollar (USD)=0.7321 euros; 1 Canadian dollar (CAD)=0.6736 euros; 1 UK pound=1.2267 euros; 1 Swiss franc (CHF)=0.819 euros; 1 South African rand (ZAR)=0.0708 euros.


Of the 27 studies selected (Table 1),14–40 most were European (n=11)15,18,19,21,22,24,26–29,33 or American (n=10).14,16,20,31,32,34–36,38,39 Three were Canadian,17,27,37 two Chinese23,30 and one South African.25

Table 1.

Characteristics and results of cost-effectiveness studies of novel oral anticoagulants for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation.

Study  Country  New OAC  Price of new OAC  Comparator  Price of comparator  Perspective  Model  Results  WTPT and sensitivity analysis 
Freeman et al.14  USA  Dabigatran 110 mg  USDWarfarin  USD 1.07  Health system  Markov  ICER: USD 45372/QALY  50000 USD/QALYDabigatran cost-effective in 80% of simulations 
    Dabigatran 150 mg  USD        ICER: USD 51229/QALY  Dabigatran cost-effective in 80% of simulations 
Kansal et al.15  UK  Age-adjusted dabigatrana  GBP 2.52  Warfarin  GBP 0.04  Health system  Markov  ICER: GBP 4831/QALY – age <80ICER: GBP 7090/QALY – age ≥80  GBP 20000/QALYProbability of dabigatran being the most cost-effective:age <80: 98%age ≥80: 63% 
Shah et al.16  USA  Dabigatran 110 mg  USD 8.88  Warfarin  USD 0.49  Health system  Markov  Incremental cost: USD 21300ICER: USD 150000/QALY  USD 50 000/QALYDabigatran 110 mg is not cost-effective 
    Dabigatran 150 mg  USD 8.88          Incremental cost: USD 20700ICER: USD 86000/QALY  Dabigatran 150 mg is cost-effective 
Sorenssen et al.17  Canada  Age-adjusted dabigatrana  CAD 3.2  Warfarin  CAD 0.6  Health system  Markov  Incremental cost: CAD 2178ICER: CAD 10440/QALY  CAD 30000/QALYDabigatran cost-effective in 82% of simulations 
    Dabigatran 110 mg  CAD 3.2          Incremental cost: CAD 4210ICER: CAD 29994/QALY  Dabigatran cost-effective in 42% of simulations 
    Dabigatran 150 mg  CAD 3.2          Incremental cost: CAD 1655ICER: USD 9041/QALY  Dabigatran cost-effective in 81% of simulations 
Pink et al.18  UK  Dabigatran 110 mg  GBP 2.52  Warfarin  GBP 0.11  Event simulation model  ICER: GBP 43074/QALY  GBP 20000/QALYDabigatran 150 mg dominant vs. 110 mg in 76% of simulations 
    Dabigatran 150 mg            ICER: GBP 23082/QALY  Dabigatran 150 mg dominant vs. warfarin in 94% of simulations 
Juanatey et al.19  Spain  Dabigatran 150 mg  EUR 3.03  Warfarin  EUR 0.05  Health system  Markov  Incremental cost: EUR 4851ICER: EUR 17581/QALY  EUR 30000/QALYDabigatran dominant:96.4% of simulations 
Adcock et al.20  USA  Dabigatran 150 mg  USDWarfarin  ND  Societal  Markov  ICER: USD 12286/QALY  USD 50000/QALYDabigatran dominant for daily cost 
Langkilde et al.21  Denmark  Age-adjusted dabigatrana  EUR 2.63  Warfarin  EUR 0.26  Health system  Markov  Incremental cost: EUR 1866ICER: EUR 6950/QALY  EUR 30000/QALYDabigatran is cost-effective 
Ali et al.22  UK  Dabigatran 110 mg and 150 mg  GBP 2.4  Warfarin  GBP 0.08  ND  Prospective observational study  Cost of OAC to prevent 1 stroke/year: warfarin GBP 6219; dabigatran 110 mg GBP 28 086.5 and dabigatran 150 mg GBP 25181  ND 
You et al.23  China  Dabigatran 110 mg  USDWarfarin  USDPayer  Markov  Incremental cost: USD 16909ICER: dominated by dabigatran 150 mg  U SD 50000/QALYDabigatran cost-effective in 1.6% of simulations 
    Dabigatran 150 mg  USD        Incremental cost: USD 7057ICER: USD 13810/QALY  Dabigatran cost-effective in 50.6% of simulations 
Wouters et al.24  Belgium  Dabigatran 150 mg  EUR 2.68  Warfarin  EUR 0.32  Health system  Markov  Incremental cost: EUR 879ICER: EUR 2807/QALY  EUR 20000/QALYDabigatran cost-effective in 99.85% of simulations 
Bergh et al.25  South Africa  Age-adjusted dabigatrana  ZAR 24.66  Warfarin  ZAR 1.2  Payer  Markov  Incremental cost: ZAR 19037ICER: ZAR 93290/QALY  ND 
Davidson et al.26  Sweden  Age-adjusted dabigatrana  EUR 2.82  Warfarin  EUR 2.12  Societal  Markov  Incremental cost: EUR 2212ICER: EUR 7742/QALY  EUR 50000/QALYDabigatran is cost-effective 
Pletscher et al.27  Switzerland  Dabigatran 110 mg  CHFPhenprocoumon 2.25 mg  CHF 0.21  Payer  Markov  ICER: CHF 25108/QALY  CHF 50000/QALYProbability of dabigatran being the most cost-effective: 84% 
    Dabigatran 150 mg  CHF        ICER: CHF 9702/QALY  Probability of dabigatran being the most cost-effective: 95.8% 
    Age-adjusted dabigatrana  CHF        ICER: CHF 10215/QALY  Probability of dabigatran being the most cost-effective: 97.7% 
Andrikopoulos et al.28  Greece  Dabigatran 110 mg  EUR 2.72  Warfarin  EUR 0.04  Payer  Markov  Incremental cost: EUR 4996ICER: EUR 16653/QALY   
    Dabigatran 150 mg  EUR 2.72          Incremental cost: EUR 4218ICER: EUR 11400/QA LY  EUR 50000/QALYDabigatran 150 mg cost-effective in 87% of simulations 
Miguel et al.29  Portugal  Age-adjusted dabigatrana  EUR 2.53  Warfarin  EUR 0.08  Societal  Markov  Incremental cost: EUR 2978ICER: EUR 8409/QALY  EUR 30000/QALYDabigatran is cost-effective 
Chang et al.30  China  Dabigatran  USD 2.3 to USD 2.5  Warfarin  USD 1.3  Payer  Markov  ICER: USD 68333/event prevented  ND 
    Dabigatran  USD 1.7  Warfarin  USD 0.03 to USD 0.04      ICER: Dabigatran dominant (cost reduction: USD 34350/event prevented)   
Kamel et al.31  USA  Dabigatran 150 mg  USD 6.75  Warfarin  USD 1.04  ND  Markov  Incremental cost: USD 9000ICER: USD 25000/QALY  USD 50000/QALYDabigatran cost-effective in 87% of simulations 
Lee et al.32  USA  Rivaroxaban  USD 6.8  Warfarin  USD 1.06  Payer/health system  Markov  Incremental cost: USD 5912IICER: USD 27498/QALY  USD 50000/QALYRivaroxaban cost-effective in 80.1% of simulations 
Kleintjens et al.33  Belgium  Rivaroxaban  EUR 2.70  –  EUR 0.31  Payer  Markov  Incremental cost: EUR 828ICER: EUR 8809/QALY  EUR 35000/QALYRivaroxaban cost-effective in 87% of simulations 
Lee et al.34  USA  Apixaban  USD 6.8  Aspirin  USD 0.02  Health system  Markov  Incremental cost: USD 9151IICER: USD 16205/QALY  USD 50000/QALYApixaban cost-effective in 87.5% of simulations 
Lee et al.35  USA  Apixaban  USD 6.87  Warfarin  USD 0.2  Health system  Markov  Cost reduction: USD 8934  USD 50000/QALYApixaban cost-effective in80.1% of simulations 
Kamel et al.36  USA  Apixaban  USDWarfarin  ND  Societal  Markov  Incremental cost: USD 3200ICER: USD 11400/QA LY  USD 50000/QALYApixaban cost-effective in 62% of simulations 
Coyle et al.37  Canada  Dabigatran 110 mg  ND  Warfarin  ND  Payer  Markov + meta-analysis  Incremental cost: CAD 4184ICER: CAD 66354/QALY  CAD 50000/QALYDabigatran cost-effective in 1.6% of simulations 
    Dabigatran 150 mg            Incremental cost: CAD 2866ICER: CAD 20797/QALY  Dabigatran cost-effective in 50.8% of simulations 
    Rivaroxaban            Incremental cost: CAD 3396ICER: CAD 55757/QALY  Rivaroxaban cost-effective in 2.1% of simulations 
    Apixaban            Incremental cost: CAD 3346ICER: CAD 24312/QALY  Apixaban cost-effective in 44.1% of simulations 
Harrington et al.38  USA  Dabigatran 150 mg  USD 7.3  Warfarin  USD 0.35  Societal  Markov  Incremental cost: USD 4906ICER: 3190 USD/QALY  USD 50000/QALYDabigatran cost-effective in 40% of simulations 
    Rivaroxaban  USD 7.29          Incremental cost: USD 925ICER: USD 11150/QALY  Rivaroxaban cost-effective in 14.9% of simulations 
    Apixaban  USD 10.34          Incremental cost: USD 7513ICER: USD 15026/QALY  Apixaban cost-effective in 45.1% of simulations 
Deitelzweig et al.39  USA  Dabigatran 150 mg  ND  Warfarin  ND  Payer  Markov  Cost reduction: USD 179  ND 
    Rivaroxaban 10 mg            Cost reduction: USD 89  ND 
    Apixaban 5 mg            Cost reduction: USD 485  ND 
Kansal et al.40  Canada  Age-adjusted dabigatrana  ND  Warfarin  ND  Payer  Markov  Incremental cost: CAD 1579/patientICER: CAD 6889/QALY  CAD 30000/QALY 
    Rivaroxaban  ND          Incremental cost: CAD 1732/patientICER: CAD 22475/QALY   

Subgroup of patients aged <75 or with moderate renal failure (creatinine clearance ≥30 ml/min and <50 ml/min).

ND: no data.

The most frequent study perspectives were the health system (n=11),14–17,19,21,24,26,29,33,35 the payer (n=9)23,25–27,30,33,37,39,40 and societal (n=3).20,36,38

A Markov model was used in most studies (93%),14–17,19–21,23–40 while one used a discrete event simulation model18 and one was a prospective observational study.22

Dabigatran was the subject of most of the selected studies (67%).14–31 Apixaban was evaluated in three studies34–36 and rivaroxaban in two.32,33 All the others compared at least two of the new OAC with warfarin.37–40

The most commonly used comparator was adjusted-dose warfarin, and variability in international normalized ratio (INR) control was taken into account in most studies. The only studies not to use warfarin as comparator were Pletscher et al.27 (who used phenprocoumon, the most common VKA in Switzerland, where the study was carried out), and Lee et al.34 (whose study was based on the results of the AVERROES trial10 comparing apixaban with aspirin in AF patients unsuitable for warfarin).

In general, all the studies indicated that the new OAC were cost-effective, with ICERs below the WTPT. The latter was set by the authors but was mainly in agreement with those set by individual national health systems for purposes of reimbursement. Mean ICERs were 30 405±16 101 euros/QALY for dabigatran 110 mg, 17 566±16 902 euros/QALY for dabigatran 150 mg, 8102±3252 euros/QALY for age-adjusted dabigatran, 11 897±3341 euros/QALY for apixaban and 17 960±12 005 euros/QALY for rivaroxaban (Figure 2).

In studies on dabigatran only, the 150 mg dose tended to be more cost-effective, although there was some variation in sensitivity analyses. Age-adjusted dabigatran (150 mg twice daily for patients aged <80 years and 110 mg twice daily for those aged ≥80 years) was also cost-effective in all the studies in which it was analyzed.15,17,21,25–27,29,40 The 110 mg dose, as well as generally having a higher incremental cost, was not cost-effective in 43% of the models that analyzed it separately.16,23,37

The review also included an economic evaluation carried out in Portugal analyzing the cost-effectiveness of dabigatran for stroke prevention in patients with AF, which included in its analysis both economic data and treatment costs. The clear conclusion was that dabigatran is cost-effective in clinical practice in Portugal.29

The two studies on rivaroxaban, one American32 and the other Belgian,33 both showed that this agent was cost-effective in most simulations in sensitivity analyses.

Of the three studies on apixaban, all carried out in the USA, this agent was associated with savings in a model comparing it with aspirin over 10 years35 and another using warfarin as comparator.35 In the third study, apixaban was cost-effective in 62% of simulations in sensitivity analysis.36

Results of studies comparing all three new OAC37–39 indicate that apixaban is the most cost-effective, followed by dabigatran and rivaroxaban. In Coyle et al.37 and Harrington et al.38 this conclusion is supported by incremental cost and sensitivity analyses, while in Deitelzweig et al.39 medical costs were reduced with the use of all three OAC, the largest reduction being seen with apixaban. Finally, in Kansal et al.’s model of the Canadian setting,40 dabigatran was more cost-effective than rivaroxaban (ICER of CAD 6889/QALY vs. CAD 22 475/QALY, respectively.


The novel OAC have pharmacological advantages over conventional anticoagulants that generally result in clinical benefit, as shown by various trials in a range of clinical settings.7–12

The present review comes at a time when this pharmacological innovation is beginning to be translated into wider use of these new agents in clinical practice.

Since these new drugs are more expensive than VKA, they represent a greater cost burden on health systems and their users. The AFFORD study set out to analyze published economic evaluation studies on the novel OAC and to determine whether they are cost-effective, i.e. whether the health gains exceed the costs of these new drugs. This is the first systematic analysis of cost-effectiveness studies to calculate the mean of the most important variable, ICERs, in euros per QALY (after currency conversion when necessary). These studies, from countries around the globe (North America, Europe, Africa and Asia), differ in their economic models, study perspectives, comparators, drug prices, willingness-to-pay thresholds and presentation of results. This variability in methodology was thus a challenge in comparing the different models.

Nevertheless, the results are consistent, showing that the novel OAC are cost-effective for stroke prevention in AF patients compared to the more widely used conventional anticoagulants, particularly warfarin.

The novel OAC that were shown to be of most interest in this review were dabigatran and apixaban. The former is the subject of more studies, due in part to the fact that it is the oldest of this group. It should be borne in mind that the results of the studies analyzed here are closely related to those of clinical trials. The RE-LY trial on dabigatran in AF showed that the 150 mg dose was more effective and the 110 mg dose was safer than warfarin,7,8 and the 150 mg dose and the age-adjusted dose were also cost-effective in all the studies in which it was analyzed (>80% in sensitivity analysis). Apixaban was superior in both efficacy and safety to warfarin in the ARISTOTLE trial11 and to aspirin in the AVERROES trial.10

It is difficult to compare the results of the models that analyze the three drugs separately, since these are based on studies and trials that use different methodologies, including different study perspectives – payer, health system, or societal. The perspectives of the payer and the health system can be considered equivalent, since the payer perspective can include insurers, employers and the state, which runs the health system in most countries. The societal perspective is wider, since it considers the benefits to the community as a whole; in theory, all costs – both direct and indirect – are included in an economic evaluation from a social perspective.3

This review includes three studies37–39 that analyzed all three novel OAC, and established a hierarchy of pharmacoeconomic performance. Despite differences between the studies, they all point to the same conclusion: the new OAC are cost-effective, and apixaban is the most cost-effective, followed by dabigatran and rivaroxaban. Deitelzweig et al.39 report that all three OAC have a negative incremental cost and therefore produce savings.

Another point in common between most of these studies is the model used for the economic analysis, which was a Markov model in over 90%. This statistical model simulates patients’ clinical course in cycles to the end of their lives; in each cycle a specified probability is applied of the mutually exclusive occurrence of the major events in the population under study.29 Different designs of the Markov model can be used and it can be adapted to different countries and different study perspectives.

The AFFORD study has certain limitations. Indirect comparisons between the novel OAC should be treated with caution due to the different methods used in clinical trials on efficacy and safety. Furthermore, there are no internationally standardized guidelines for conducting economic evaluations, which poses problems for accurate comparisons between different economic models.41 This lack of standardization needs to be remedied, as the increasing concern with containing costs and rationalizing health resource use is leading to a proliferation of economic analyses that must follow generally agreed rules if they are to be comparable.

Another important limitation of the AFFORD study is that some of the authors of the studies included in the review are employed by the laboratories that produce the drugs under study, which could give rise to conflicts of interest.


The AFFORD study demonstrates that novel OAC are cost-effective compared to conventional antithrombotic therapies despite their high cost, in a variety of geographic and social contexts, and when analyzed by different pharmacoeconomic methodologies.

Ethical disclosuresProtection of human and animal subjects

The authors declare that no experiments were performed on humans or animals for this study.

Confidentiality of data

The authors declare that no patient data appear in this article.

Right to privacy and informed consent

The authors declare that no patient data appear in this article.

Conflicts of interest

The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.

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Please cite this article as: Ferreira J, Mirco A. Revisão sistemática das análises custo-efetividade dos novos anticoagulantes orais na prevenção do acidente vascular cerebral na fibrilhação auricular: estudo AFFORD. Rev Port Cardiol. 2015;34:179–191.

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