Informação da revista
Original articles
Present and future economic impact of transcatheter aortic valve replacement on the Portuguese national healthcare system
Ricardo Fontes-Carvalho, Cláudio Guerreiro, Eduardo Infante Oliveira, Pedro Braga
Rev Port Cardiol. 2020;39:479-88
Open access
Original Articles
Editorial comment
“A momentary lapse of opinion”: The reader should be aware of the iatrogenic potential of this publication
Rui Campante Teles
Rev Port Cardiol. 2020;39:489-91
Open access
Eligibility for extended antithrombotic therapy for secondary prevention of acute coronary syndrome
Daniel Faria, Miguel Santos, Sérgio Bravo Baptista, João Ferreira, Paulo Leal, Pedro Farto e Abreu, Carlos Morais
Rev Port Cardiol. 2020;39:493-501
Open access
Original Articles
Editorial comment
Extended antithrombotic therapy in secondary prevention: “There is no such thing as a free lunch”
Marco Costa
Rev Port Cardiol. 2020;39:503-4
Open access
Pulmonary thromboendarterectomy in Portugal: Initial experience
José Fragata, Helena Telles
Rev Port Cardiol. 2020;39:505-12
Open access
Original Articles
Editorial comment
Improvements in pulmonary thromboendarterectomy
Paulo M. Pêgo-Fernandes, Orival de Freitas Filho
Rev Port Cardiol. 2020;39:513-5
Open access
State of art
Hyperkalemia and management of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system inhibitors in chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: A systematic review
Cândida Fonseca, Dulce Brito, Patrícia Branco, João Miguel Frazão, José Silva-Cardoso, Paulo Bettencourt
Rev Port Cardiol. 2020;39:517-41
Open access
Maintaining the balance between benefits and risks: The example of hyperkalemia in patients with heart failure
Aldo P. Maggioni
Rev Port Cardiol. 2020;39:543-4
Open access
Case report
Iatrogenic fistula between the aorta and the right ventricular outflow tract after Melody valve implantation: Case report and literature review
Petra Loureiro, José F. Martins, Alain Fraisse, Rui Rodrigues, José Fragata, Fátima F. Pinto
Rev Port Cardiol. 2020;39:545.e1-545.e4
Open access
Image in cardiology
Iatrogenic dissection of the ascending aorta after transcatheter aortic valve implantation treated conservatively
Pedro G. Magalhães, Pieter R. Stella, Michiel Voskuil, Adriaan O. Kraaijeveld
Rev Port Cardiol. 2020;39:547-9
Open access
Letter to the editor
Respiratory failure in pulmonary hypertension patients
Miguel Filipe Guia, Fernanda Paula, Paula Pinto, Filipe Froes
Rev Port Cardiol. 2020;39:551-2
Open access